Asset Acquisition & Management

Aergexo focuses on maintaining a hands on, traditional real estate asset and luxury item asset management approach during and post the transaction journey for our HNW and UHNWI clients. This is achieved by operating as the dedicated owners representative during the asset life cycle and beyond.


Value Enhancement

Adding value is the key to what we do. Managing real estate and luxury assets to reach their potential on a continuous balance scorecard approach will not only drive performance but secure long term value for our clients and their personal wealth.


Asset Protection & Reporting

Custodianship is at the heart of our organization. Protecting the fabric of our clients interests secures trust, autonomy, discreteness and long term private client relationships.

Owners Representative Services (Chief of Staff)

  • Real Estate Asset Management + Reporting / Regular Supervision
  • Private Sales & Lettings
  • Hotel Asset Management + Reporting / Regular Supervision
  • Private Business Management (C-Level & Operations)
  • Owners Representative (Confidant) + Chief of Staff Option
  • Luxury Item Instruction

Office & Contact

Registered Office Address: 1 Priory Gardens – London – W4 1TT

E: [email protected]